Club: Bexley RSL


Bexley RSL

24 Stoney Creek Road, Bexley, Australia

Phone: 95021966
About club:
Bexley RSL Facebook Page - Keeping our members and guests up to date with our events, promotions, sp... Read more »
Parties total: 103
Visitors total: 19
Men total: 11 (58%)
Women total: 8 (42%)

Thursdays Countdown to Christmas Raffle

15.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Tuesdays Stocking Stuffer Raffle

13.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Spirit of Christmas Pork & Ham Raffle

11.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Fridays Aussie Christmas Raffle

09.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Thursdays Countdown to Christmas Raffle

08.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Tuesdays Stocking Stuffer Raffle

06.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Sundays Spirit of Christmas Raffle

04.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Fridays Aussie Christmas Raffle

02.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Thursdays Countdown to Christmas Raffle

01.12.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet

Courtesy Bus Launch

29.06.2016 Bexley RSL
Nobody attended yet