Party: Good Vibes I 30.06 I Privé
Main page > Club Prive > Good Vibes I 30.06 I Privé
Upcoming: 6
Date: 30.06.2017 23:00
Address: Harju 6, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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Mäletad neid hetki, kus istusid oma kaaslase või sõpradega rannas, soe liiv, isuäratav vesipiip, külm jook käes, lummav vee kohin, rannakohvikus mängib mõnus muss, ideaalne ajaviide. Või oli see hoopis mingi cool trip laheda seltskonnaga, mis on lihtsalt unustamatu? - lubage esitleda GOOD VIBES.
GOOD VIBES on suvine üritustesari, kus saab mõnusalt gruuvida ja chillida. Kui olete tüdinenud rutiinsetest klubiüritustest ning otsite vahelduseks midagi rahulikumat, siis just see pidu on mõeldud teile. Mängime mussi mis põhineb sõnal GOOD VIBE. Paneme vacation mode'i sisse ja stardime juba 30. juunil Privést. Peo kapteniks seekord LASTBROTHERZ. Ärge muretsege, kütet saab ka!
Esimene tund attendiga sissepääs TASUTA! ❤️
Sel õhtul muutub Privè täiesti unelmate rannaks, mida peab oma silmaga nägema. Suvised tantsutüdrukud, coolid DJ-d, mahlased vesipiibud, maitsvad kokteilid, rannatoolid ja kes teab, äkki saab liiva ka? Bassein tuleb ka, niiet varuge riideid!!!

♫ DJ LastBrothers(WTF!)
LastBrothers on 2017 aastal loodud DJ duo kuhu kuuluvad andekad ja motiveeritud DJ-d Karl-Joosep ning Madis. Nad on pärit Tallinnast ja hetkel õpivad Audentese Spordigümnaasiumis. Terve elu on poisid mänginud korvpalli, nii noortekoondistes kus nad on esindanud Eestit erinevatel Euroopa Meistrivõistlustel, kui ka koduses Alexela Korvpalli Meistriliigas. Lisaks korvpallile tegelevad Madis ja Karl-Joosep veel erinevate klubi üritustega ning plaatide keerutamisega.
"Idee koos muusikat mängima hakata sündis Audentese ühikas, panime pead kokku ja mõtlesime, et alustaks millegi uuega."
Hetkel on LastBrothers mänginud põhiliselt PRIVÉs toimuvatel WTF! ja LastKings üritustel, kuid tuleviku plaanid on kindlasti suured. Muusikamaitse on noortel DJ-del väga kirju. Põhiliselt keskenduvad nad RnB & HipHop-ile, kuid ka EDM & Trap-i võib poiste playlistist päris tihti leida.
* GUEST-LIST “FAMILY” & FACEBOOK: 5 € (Till 1:30 AM)
* AT THE DOOR: 10 €
* How to get on the “FAMILY” guest-list?
* Email your names to: / Subject: event name
* How to get on the Facebook list?
* Press GOING on our Facebook event page and your name will appear on the door automatically.
NB! We will not take names from the group "INTERESTED"!
* Entrance to PRIVÉ is not permitted under the age of 18 years;
* Doors will open 23.00
* Entrance to PRIVÉ is always subject to Door Managers
* You can add your name to the guest-list till 22.30;
* We have three entrances. Left: Family/Facebook, Center: VIP,
Right: Ticket;
* PRIVÉ reserve the right to refuse entry without any
explanation, including but not limited to visible intoxication,
lack of proper ID, or failure to adhere to dress code;
Separate yourself from the crowd and upgrade your PRIVÉ experience! When it comes to really going all out in Tallinn, you gotta’ think about PRIVÉ and bottle service. As everyone likes to say, “It’s all about poppin’ bottles…”
The benefits of reserving a table with us extend far beyond your own private bottle. On arrival you will be required to provide a credit card or you may pay cash. A tip of approx. 10-15% is expected.
* Minimum spend will range from 140 - 420 € depending on the size of the table or private vip room (except for special events or NYE);
* Prepayment is required to secure your reservation;
* Once we've received your payment we will secure your table with PRIVÉ;
* We will hold your table till 1.30 AM (if not agreed otherwise);
* You can request a private VIP room based on availability;
NB! If you are running late, you must call your reservation agent to request a late arrival.
€ 140 Up to 4 people:
One complimentary bottle of hard liquor with mixers, snacks, signature shots, personal VIP cloakroom and cover charge with VIP express entry are included in the price. Full range of food and beverages are available on request.
€ 140 € Up to 6 people in Mono lounge;
One complimentary bottle of hard liquor with mixers, snacks, signature shots, personal VIP cloakroom and cover charge with VIP express entry are included in the price. Full range of hookah, food and beverages are available on request.
€ 275 Up to 12 people:
Two complimentary bottles of hard liquor with mixers, snacks, signature shots, personal VIP cloakroom and cover charge with VIP express entry are included in the price. Full range of food and beverages are available on request.
€ 420 Up to 20 people, private VIP room:
For a more intimate and upscale experience, plan to spend your evening in our private VIP room.
Let our beautiful staff cater to your every need while providing the world-class service that PRIVÉ has set the standard for in Tallinn.
Our VIP room is capable of handling up to 20 and yet still can be intimate with just a few friends. The cost of reserving the VIP room is € 70 per person, including personal VIP cloakroom and cover charge with VIP express entry (minimum 6 people or € 420 is required). Two complimentary bottles of premium champagne, one bottle of premium hard liquor with mixers, snacks and signature shots are included in the price. Full range of food and beverages are available on request.
* Your own private table or VIP room for You and Your guests;
* Fast track VIP entry to the club;
* Discount admission fees (ticketed events not included);
* Escort from the main entrance to your table or VIP room;
* Personal VIP cloakroom;
* Designated hostess service;
* Privé Signature Shots upon arrival;
* Liquor, mixers and snacks;
* Bottle locker for regular customers;
* Bottle service buys you VIP treatment;
* Bottle service is a way to get into the club without hassle;
* Reservations will take precedence over walk in clients;
* Packages subject to change due to blackout dates and/or special events;
* VIP tables with bottle service are in high demand, and may not always be available;
* PRIVÉ reserves the right to deny service to any guest who is clearly intoxicated;
* Admittance is at doorman's discretion;
* Please make your reservation in advance;
* For more info please contact our VIP hostess;
* Tel: +372 56 705 999 | Email:
PRIVÉ is equipped with the latest Martin Audio hybrid sound system.
The system is built after the award winning sound system in Ministry Of Sound. At Martin Audio they believe that uniting audiences with exciting sound creates shared memories that sear into the consciousness delivering more successful events and repeatedly packed venues.
* Caution, exessive sound levels!
* IG - clubprive
Harju 6, Tallinn