Party: ★ FREE ENTRY b4 11.30 with LCFC SHIRT ★ 3000+ Clubbers at CLUB REPUBLIC!

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Party: ★ FREE ENTRY b4 11.30 with LCFC SHIRT ★ 3000+ Clubbers at CLUB REPUBLIC!


We were joined by the Champions themselves on Monday down in our Sky Bar VIP! We have invited the lads down again for Leicester's Biggest Ever Nightclub Celebration of 'Leicester City Football Club' winning the Premier League.

Club Republic - Leicester's No.1 and Biggest Nightclub Experience would like to offer the Leicester City Football Club Faithful..

★ Free Entry b4 11.30pm with a LCFC Shirt ★

Come and join us for Non-stop Anthems and Celebrations! We are expecting 3000+ Clubbers!!!
