Party: Contemporary Dance Lab with Laura Aris Alvarez

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Contemporary Dance Lab with Laura Aris Alvarez

Club: Dance Academy Russia

Upcoming: 6
Date: 02.10.2015 12:00
Address: Konstantinovsky Prospect, 19, Saint Petersburg, Russia | show on the map »

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Party: Contemporary Dance Lab with Laura Aris Alvarez

2-6 October

02.10 12:30-16:00
03.10 11:30-15:00
04.10 18:00-21:30
05.10 12:30-16:00
06.10 12:30-16:00


As a teacher and artist I aim to share thoughts, questions, tips and accumulated experiences to inspire and encourage
others, help them to improve technical skills, to make their own choices, reflect and build on their own persona and
During the work sessions I will use exercises and games that will help to awake our playful bodies, spirit, intuition and
instinctive motion but we will also pay attention to technical aspects, to detail, exploring physical mechanisms that allow
us to reach physical extremes while protecting the body at the same time. Using skeleton structure and muscular chains
enhancing fluidity and freedom in our own movement, learning to recycle and save energy. Working to found balance
between strength and resilience, in a physical, emotional and mental sense.

Slowly some theatrical inputs, specific energy and clear images will give meaning to the movements and will help us to
perform rather than just learn and execute dance steps. Combining the physical language of dance with the emotion and
drama that motivates

