Party: Novice and Improvers Powerlifting Comp

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Party: Novice and Improvers Powerlifting Comp

DPI Novice Comp
March 8
Lifting starts 12 midday
Palmerston Swimming and Fitness 31 Tilston Av

Novice bench press and three lift raw and equipped powerlifting comp. Knee high socks are essential but a soft suit is not needed. Club and board records can be set or broken. Weigh in: 38 Moorhen Cct Bakewell March 7 at 12 - 1pm or on the day. Darwin Powersports members $20 non members $40. Lifters are to be at the venue by 11:15 for briefing, weigh in and warm up. Spectators are welcome at no charge.

Invited: Carla Fernandes, Samantha Henderson, Jessica Steele, Suvi Joutselainen, Rhiannan Linnea, Melanie Unitt, Ryan Dunbar, Deborah Rugg, Stephen Stavrinos, Jennifer Francis, Alison Frieda Austin, Stephen Turnbull, Krystal Scholl, Nada Ruger, Matt Solomon, Felicity Mallon, Josh 'Burjo' Burgess, Bruce Waynecraft, Joanne Clelland, Sam Giess, Aaron Peet show more »