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Club: Haywards Heath United Services Club

Upcoming: 0
Date: 21.04.2015 20:30
Address: 6-8 Wivelsfield Road, Haywards Heath, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Visitors - Women

Visitors - Men

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Members are encouraged to attend the 93rd Annual General Meeting of the Club in the Lounge Bar starting at 8:30pm.

Nominations for President, Treasurer and Committee Members are on the noticeboard in the main lobby.

In accordance with Club rules, any member wishing to submit a motion to the AGM should give notice in writing to the Secretary, of the motion he or she wishes to make, at least SEVEN DAYS before the date of the AGM.


1. General Meeting

2. Matters Arising

3 To receive the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2014

4. To re-elect Keymer Haslam & Co as Auditors for the coming year

5. To elect a President

6. To elect the committee

7. To elect a Treasurer

8. To receive the Annual Reports of the following Committees:

a) Management

b) Entertainment

c) Sports

9. Any other business

a) To nominate a charity for 2015