Party: The Cure & Co. Party - A Tribute to our Heroes

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Party: The Cure & Co. Party - A Tribute to our Heroes

New & Retro Wave, Dark 80ies & Goth Pop mit DJ Fab XL (DJ NT fällt leider krankheitsbedingt aus)

The Sound of The Cure, The Smith, New Model Army, Editors, Placebo, Interpol, Joy Division, Bauhhaus, Depeche Mode, Bloc Party, The Mission, David Bowie, NIne Inch Nails, She wants Revenge, Pixies, SIsters of Mercy, The Killers, Gary Numan, Anne Clark, CHameleons, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Morrissey, Nick Cave and many more....

nach dem Deine Lakaien Konzert:
(Konzertbesucher dürfen natürlich kostenlos bleiben)

Flammensaal (EG) - Eintritt 7€

Invited: Florian Wenzel, Stephanie Schoeben, Jan Hagemann, Samantha Peyke, Thea Killing-Skull Müller, Sandra Ankenbrand, Claudia Frickel, Manu Ella, Monika Plewr, May Pham Van Cang, Wal Halla, Andreas Straub, Daniela Schoenen, Magdalena März, Undergroundfashion Xtrax, Roberto Günther, Meike Jakobs, Nathalie Leclere Eberstadt, Sanja Ruzic, Bergerac Eycromon, Julia Sönning show more »
