Party: ♛ Every Friday / Saturday Love POLE dance at Magnum ♛
Main page > Magnum Club > ♛ Every Friday / Saturday Love POLE dance at Magnum ♛
Upcoming: 1
Date: 17.03.2017 23:00
Address: 3-4/F, Silver Fortune Plaza, No.1 Wellington Street, Central District, Hong Kong | show on the map »
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Magnum Club 逄週五週六呈獻誘惑鋼管舞表演
週五週六晚齊來同朋友黎Magnum Club放縱自己,一齊體驗性感舞蹈表演者呈獻令您面紅耳赤既現場鋼管舞表演,挑逗您既感官極限,令全場氣氛升溫!
Check out our weekly POLE DANCE PARTY every Friday / Saturday.
Bring your friends for the sexy, fun, and exciting night!!
Come and experience POLE DANCE PARTY you won forget!!
RSVP: 21161602
INSTAGRAM: magnumclub
YOUTUBE: magnumclubhk
ADDRESS: 3 & 4/F, Silver Fortune Plaza, 1 Wellington St, Central, H.K.