Party: Pissing in the Mainstream Birthday Party

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Party: Pissing in the Mainstream Birthday Party

Pissing in the Mainstream Birthday Party (4 Years of Pissing)
@ U5 Klub (Friedrichshain)

Death Metal – Grindcore – Thrash Metal - Black Metal – Doom Metal- Heavy Metal – 80’s Metal – Poserkram und so weiter…

Dying Fetus / Napalm Death / Bathory / Electric Wizard / Overkill / Judas Priest / Defeated Sanity / Skid Row / Manowar / Insect Warfare / Deicide / Celtic Frost / Sepultura / Immortal / Black Sabbath / Iron Maiden / Morbid Angel / Steel Panther / Cryptopsy / Satyricon / Kreator / Nasum / Cannibal Corpse / Saint Vitus / W.A.S.P. / Anaal Nathrakh / Slayer / Angel Witch / Entombed / Municipal Waste / Mötley Crüe / Dio / Suffocation / Motörhead / Carcass u.v.m.

(No Nazis, no Burzumshit & no Fremdgetränke!)
