Party: JAN 29th GOSPELOKE - Karaoke with a live Gospel Choir

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Party: JAN 29th GOSPELOKE - Karaoke with a live Gospel Choir

Right folks we're back for another euphoric celebration of love, life and the fact that it's nearly the weekend!!!!!!

Do you prance around your bedroom, hairbrush in hand singing in the mirror? Has your hidden songstress been hidden for too long? Have you always dreamt of singing on a big stage, unleashing your hidden diva in front of adoring fans with a live GOSPEL choir backing you up?

Well.... GOSPELOKE is the night for you!

TICKETS... £5 early birds until 23:59 on 18th Jan.


GOSPELOKE is the capital's 1st Gospel Style Karaoke knees-up, where you'll be given the chance to perform alongside London's hippest urban choir - Singology! Hosted by Shoreditch's fallen Angel ‘Eleanor Conway’ you can expect one euphoric ceremonial enlightening! Think Sister Act meets old School Assembly via Top of the Pops, with classics such as, Bon Jovi - Livin’ on a Prayer, Blur’s Tender, R Kelly's I believe I can fly and Mary Mary's Shackles.

Of course that's not all... there'll be other congregation participation in the way of an-thematic big sing-along, team harmonies and we'll be hearing your confessional tales.

Gospeloke is your soul lifting night out, where you've never sounded so good!

TICKETS... £5 early birds until 18th Jan

Invited: Robbie Parks, Sarah Mills, James Ross, Ashley Elizabeth, Charlie Markland, Michelle Newman, Adam Hunt, Romilly Evans, Adam Larter, James Loveridge, Iona McNeil, Emma Downham, Jenny Harris Bede, Leo Barker, Jack Samuel Warner, Tom Tom, Jimmy Donny Cosgrove, Andrew Mickel, Jonny Sawyer, Emily Hartridge, Yianni Agisilaou show more »
