Party: London Metal Community Gathering at The APK
Main page > The APK > London Metal Community Gathering at The APK
Upcoming: 9
Date: 01.09.2015 20:00
Address: 347 Clarence St., London, Canada | show on the map »
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We're on Summer layover until September.
Remember that Metals bands can book these Tuesdays, even in August!
Come hang out and chill with a bunch of fellow Metal Freaks. Tuesdays, sometimes each week, unless we have a show scheduled.
Next dates are July 21 and 28
We will be scheduling special nights, Guest DJs, Drink and food specials.
No cover.
Message from Marty (Martin Ryersee) APK sound tech and local metal scene supporter.
"What's up all you metal maniacs. I wanna see our metal community come together here. This will be a good opportunity to share contacts, organise shows and share new material for current bands as well as give newer players (and currently bandless players) the opportunity to find other people the jam with. This is a great spot to come up with new ideas to improve this already very talented scene. ALL SUB GENRE'S OF METAL ARE WELCOME. If its heavy then its metal in the eyes of this group. Also be sure to invite your friends that are players or even if they arent players. The more the merrier. "
8pm / 19+ / no cover