Party: Box it Out on The Longest Day
Main page > Title Boxing Club Downtown Fort Worth > Box it Out on The Longest Day
Upcoming: 4
Date: 21.06.2017 06:00
Address: 400 W 4th St (Corner of 4th and Lamar), Fort Worth, United States | show on the map »
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Join Title Boxing Club on Wednesday, June 21st and help end Alzheimer's with the longest powerhour! This event will be held from 6:00a.m.-7:30p.m. $20 per person-all proceeds will go to the Alzheimer's Association. Visit this link to sign up ->
Donations can also be made at the Front Desk until June 21st. Come help make a difference with us, and together we will raise funds and awareness for care and support.
For more information on the Alzheimer's Association-North Central Texas Chapter visit-