Party: Trap Door's first birthday!!!

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Party: Trap Door's first birthday!!!

Well can you believe it has already been a year since Trap Door threw its first alternative rock party?!
To celebrate we are throwing a birthday bash to remember!!

We have lots of exciting things in store for you including live music from local ska legends Wobbly Bob;
A first for Trap Door we will also be hosting the glamorous ladies at Trixters Pole & Aerial Dance Academy for a one of a kind aerial/pole performance!!

These will be followed by our fabulous DJ's, MIGSY hosting the mainstream alternative room and BARNEY hosting the metal room!!

Our optional fancy dress theme for this one is MAD HATTERS TEA PARTY!!! We want lots of you to participate!!

As its a birthday party you can expect to see lots of decorations (courtesy of Louise Ragtatbones ) and surprises, and we will also be handing out little gifts at random so look out for us!!

Our resident photographer Matty Boombastic ( Boom Click Pics.) will be there getting lots of pictures so make sure you get snapped and you could end up on our website as well as our facebook page! :)

Entry as always is £5/£4 N.U.S. And we are open 10pm-4am!!
