Party: PLUS 1 : X-MAS | The Glitz / Mollono.Bass / Teleselektor

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PLUS 1 : X-MAS | The Glitz / Mollono.Bass / Teleselektor

Club: Weekend Club 'official'

Upcoming: 32
Date: 20.12.2013 00:00
Address: Alexanderstrasse 7, Berlin, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: PLUS 1 : X-MAS | The Glitz / Mollono.Bass / Teleselektor

The Glitz [voltage musique : 3000°]
Mollono Bass [voltage musique : 3000°]
teleselektor [tonfreude]

Invited: Lana La, Patrick Molligo, An Na, Päx Mölzl, Raptory Raptorý, Jan Banan, Vanessa E. E. Glieneke, Mümmi Bulac, Julienne Krool, Stephan Weiternichts, Luise Von Preussen, Ana Christina, Nadinsk Dinou, Caroline Schönsee, Thomas Kuhlmann, Allison Kensington, Strande Idee, Farshad Nasr, Sarah Hanisch, Marcel Weichert, Sara Tahboub show more »
