Party: Selfish Murphy (celtic/irish punk)
Main page > Circolo Colony > Selfish Murphy (celtic/irish punk) @ Circolo Colony
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Selfish Murphy is a celtic/irish punk band from Transylvania. The band will have a concert in Circolo Colony inside the newest European Tour!
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fecbook - Selfish Murphy - irish shamrock & roll
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Apertura porte ore 20.30
Inizio concerto ore 21.30
Ingresso gratuito riservato ai soci ACSI
Invited: Csiki Edit, Boica Zsolt, Péter Szvoboda, Diomira Arcadia Eggenter, Filippo Sorcinelli, Ménessy Kinga-Kitty, Andrea Savio, Mészáros Dominika, Andrea Calderini, Manuel Moraschi, Vektor Chaosmönger, Aldo Marchioni, Salvatore Ned Alex Irollo, Circolo Colony, Mauro L'elfo Folk, Ella Torok, Ambra Traveller Bosoni, Veronica Folkmetal, Cristiane Ribeiro, Tsuki Elly Scarlett, OverKalla Ramone Previtali, David Albert Lyons, Sara Ripamonti, Daniela Traverso, Sean O'moris, Mattia Ferraboli, Valentina Sorteni, Stefano Morandi, Janny Alberto Varela Garcia, Lőfi Gellért, Nicola Lazzari, Ilenia Ponziani, Francesco Rossi, Luca Liothe Abbattiscianni, Mészáros Róbert Meszo, Ambra Ravn Paris, Kuba Zamorski, Chiara Bertagnin, U Bulka Klub, Martinka János, Krisztina Nagy, Eevi Seanínel Tervaani, Myriam Juno Brownie, Radu Butcovan, Rudolf Hundsbichler, Gledis Chiarolini, Alessandra Bobasatrania, Rab Andras, Corte Di Lunas, Oltean Csongor, Luca Oddera Beer Room, Miklos Gyuri, Szép Domán, Herbert Höller, Ciprian Hordilă, Alessandro Warin Varagnolo, Gosia Czek, Zoltán Katona, Musica Celtica, Albert Ginder, Adf Mad Madrid, Ráduly Botond Manó, Marco Fantuzzi, Petri Zsuzsanna, Csiki Zoltan, Jason Fitzgerald, Andras Kis, Sándor Sulyok, Robag Irut, Simon Wiseman Jester, Michnya Róbert, Thomas Tegelhütter, Streetwise Man, FiordClub RockStillery, Petri Gergő, Alessandra Ciossani, Dancs Zsoli, Bokor Albert, Enikő Dániel, Vizi Balazs, Levi Fabian, Chiara Tinuvièl Castiglioni, Hrp Pamela, Karoly Laszlo, Lebar Hu'lo Saint-Marc, Selfish Murphy, Minestrone Band Zöldségzenekar, Lehel Pusztai, Jacek Jaco Filipek, Come Inn Renchen, Ettore Ruzza, Bistro Kert Sepsiszentgyorgy, Molnar Istvan, Sabrina Alghisi, Maria Teresa Testi, Astarte Diabula, Márta Gulyás, Andri Audrina, Cesko Fegato, Ciro Zini show more »