Party: The Monday Club with Crack up Quiz Nights

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The Monday Club with Crack up Quiz Nights


Upcoming: 3
Date: 07.11.2016 19:00
Address: Watergate St, Navan, Ireland | show on the map »

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Party: The Monday Club with Crack up Quiz Nights

Launching Monday November 7th!

We are delighted to announce that we are teaming up with Crack-Up Quiz Nights to bring you The Monday Club at 41.

This event will take place every Monday Night. First up on the agenda will be The Crack Up Quiz where company boss man Alan McElroy will MC the best multimedia driven pub quiz around! It's completely free to enter with plenty of prizes for you and your team to win.

This is open to absolutley anyone, industry people, teachers, nurses and everyone in betweenn.

After that we will showcasing some of the best live local music talent around with a DJ concluding the nights proceedings until bedtime!

We have a FULL Pizza menu availabel if you get peckish!

There will also be some great drink specials available all night long!

All you have to do is email [email protected] to enter or just come down on the night.
