Party: Anzac Day 2017

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Anzac Day 2017

Club: Katoomba RSL

Upcoming: 60
Date: 25.04.2017 06:00
Address: 86 Lurline St, Katoomba, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: Anzac Day 2017

*** ANZAC DAY 2017 ***

Katoomba RSL & Katoomba RSL Sub-Branch would like to invite Members of the Katoomba RSL and the Blue Mountains Community to join us for Anzac Day.

Anzac Day schedule will be the same as previous years.
06.00am Dawn Service
06.45am Gunfire Breakfast
10.45am March Commences | Commencing at Carrington Place, Katoomba
11.30 am Wreath Laying Service followed by Commemoration Service - Katoomba RSL Cenotaph
1.00pm Lunch is served | Bar is open
3.00pm Game of Two-Up Commences
9.00 pm Game of Two-Up Closed | Bar Closed

Marquees will be setup throughout the carpark, including tables & chairs for meals, bar, and atm. Toilet facilites will be available.

Road Closures | The following road closures will be in place between 10.30am - 12 noon for the March which is in Katoomba for the commemoration of Anzac Day on 25 April 2017.

Katoomba St between Bathurst Rd / Gang Gang St and Waratah St.
Waratah St between Katoomba St and Lurline St
Lurline St between Waratah St and Merriwa St
Merriwa St between Lurline St and Ada St

All donations raised will go to Katoomba RSL Sub-Branch

Please direct all enquiries relating to the services and wreath laying to and all other enquiries to

Thank you to Blue Mountains City Council and Blue Mountains Local Area Command for their support in allowing Anzac Day 2017 to continue.

Let's hope the sun is shining down on us that day.

#anzacday #katoombarsl #dawnservice #wewillrememberthem #bluemountainsgazette #bluemountainsgigguide #katoombarslsubbranch #subbranch

Nick Darias
